• Essential Questions

    To better understand Cell & Body Systems

  • What is a chemical reaction?

  • What types of molecules are there?

  • What causes chemical and physical changes?

  • How can I use a model to represent unobservable things?

  • How can I use patterns in data to draw conclusions?

Priority Standards & Supporting Standards

PS1-6: Chemical Reaction Device

PS1-1: Atomic Composition

PS1-2: Chemical vs. Physical Changes

PS1-5: Conservation of Mass

Priority SEPs and Supporting SEPs

  • Construct, test, and modify a device (INV)

  • Develop a model (MOD)

  • Analyze and interpret data (INV)

  • Develop and use a model (MOD)

Priority CCCs and Supporting CCCs

  • Energy and matter

  • Scale, proportion, and quantity

  • Patterns

  • Energy and matter

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.